• Question: what is your fav thing to bake and why

    Asked by anon-294107 to Jennifer on 13 May 2021.
    • Photo: Jennifer Graham

      Jennifer Graham answered on 13 May 2021:

      Brilliant question! My favourite thing to bake is a chocolate and raspberry opera cake which I have made every year for my birthday and Christmas for the past 5 years, so its a special cake.
      This cake has 4 layers of chocolate joconde sponge (thin almond based cake which is actually named after the Mona Lisa) with a raspberry syrup soaked into it, then 2 layers of white chocolate and raspberry ripple French buttercream, 1 layer of dark chocolate buttercream and shiny chocolate ganache on top, with maybe some glitter covered raspberries! It’s called an opera cake because its supposed to look like the Paris opera house, as there are 4 areas to sit in and 4 tiers in the cake.
