• Question: is simulation real

    Asked by anon-295193 on 25 May 2021.
    • Photo: Jennifer Graham

      Jennifer Graham answered on 25 May 2021:

      A simulation is something we use to imagine what is happening. In my simulations I try and figure out what type of magnet I have, and if what we get out looks like our data then I have got it right. So no, a simulation is not real but we want it to be as close to the real thing as we can get it.

    • Photo: Deborah Hunter

      Deborah Hunter answered on 25 May 2021:

      There is actually a theory in Physics that states we may be living in a simulation (a virtual reality) i.e. Simulation Theory. Preston Greene, an assistant professor of philosophy at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, argues if scientists were to find out our Universe is a simulation, it could cause the creators to cancel the experiment. Maybe we shouldn’t ask 😀

      Dr Deborah Hunter

    • Photo: John Grasmeder

      John Grasmeder answered on 26 May 2021:

      We use simulations to work out what might happen with our materials before we make and test them for real. So in my work, simulations aren’t real but we try to get them as close to real as we can. IT saves us a lot of time and money using simulations.

    • Photo: Emma Yhnell

      Emma Yhnell answered on 26 May 2021:

      Simulations are version of reality which are created. I think its a kind of made up version of reality as best as we can manage. Something like virtual reality for example.
