• Question: How far is mars

    Asked by anon-294939 on 13 Jun 2021.
    • Photo: Deborah Hunter

      Deborah Hunter answered on 21 May 2021:

      This is an excellent question Kourtney!

      The exact answer varies as both Mars and our planet are constantly moving along their own orbits around the Sun.

      Mars is about 225 million km or 140 million miles from Earth. This is calculated by averaging the variability in distances along its orbit.

      To most people (myself included) those are just numbers. Big numbers — and really not even all that big in an astronomical sense. So to give a sense of what it means to cross the distance between here and Mars, interactive designer David Paliwoda created a web page that illustrates the scale involved quite nicely. http://www.distancetomars.com/

      Best wishes,
      Dr Deborah Hunter

      (MSci, PhD in Astrophysics)

    • Photo: Emma Yhnell

      Emma Yhnell answered on 23 May 2021:

      I think Deborah has answered this below better than I could 🙂 thank you

    • Photo: Philip Drake

      Philip Drake answered on 24 May 2021:

      its along way in our sense of distance but very close on the universe scale! It would take about 7 months to get there!
